Study Online and Download KIPS 9th Class Chemistry Notes Unit 6: Solutions.
Study Online and Download KIPS 9th Class Chemistry Notes Unit 6: Solutions. Solutions are homogeneous mixtures of two or more components. Generally, solutions are found in three physical states depending upon the physical state of the solvent, e.g. alloy is a solid solution; sea water is a liquid solution and air is a gaseous solution. There are nine types of solutions ranging from gas-gas e.g air we breathe to solid-solid solutions e.g dental amalgam for filling of tooth. Liquid solutions are the most common solutions because of the most common solvent water. Therefore, there is a wide variety of liquid solutions ranging from a drop of rain to oceans. Sea water is a resource of 92 naturally occurring elements.
Students will be able to:
- Define the terms: solution, aqueous solution, solute and solvent and give an example of each.
- Explain the difference between saturated, unsaturated and supersaturated solutions.
- Explain the formation of solutions (mixing gases into gases, gases into liquids, gases into solids) and give an example of each.
- Explain the formation of solutions (mixing liquids into gases, liquids into liquids, liquids into solids) and give an example of each.
- Explain the formation of solutions (mixing solids into gases, solids into liquids, solids into solids) and give an example of each.
- Explain what is meant by the concentration of a solution.
- Define molarity.
- Define percentage solution.
- Solve problems involving the molarity of solution.
- Describe how to prepare dilute solutions from concentrated solutions of known molarity.
- Convert between the molarity of a solution and its concentration in g/dm .
- Use the rule that "like dissolves like" to predict the solubility of one substance in another.