Admission Test Preparation Cadet College Lower Topa Murree

Basic Types of Intelligence (I.Q) Tests

There are two basic kinds intelligence tests. They are: Verbal Intelligence tests and Non-Verbal Intelligence Tests.

Basic Types of Intelligence (I.Q) Tests

Wordsworth defines "Intelligence" as that "which involves doing a miscellaneous lot of things and do them right" There are two basic kinds intelligence tests. They are: Verbal Intelligence tests and Non-Verbal Intelligence Tests.

Verbal Intelligence Tests:

In a verbal intelligence test, the items are expressed in language forms. In this test, there are about 80 questions which are to be answered in a brief time of about half an hour.

The candidate must begin with solving the easy questions. He must try to solve them correctly. He must not be in much haste to spoil his work. He must be patient and steady in solving the problems. His confidence will help him to gain credit for himself in the tests. In order to gain a high number of marks, the candidate must concentrate on establishing relationships between different things or patterns given in the setting in the minimum time. He must observe very minutely. the words, figures, patterns, etc. candidate should note and analyse the particular. relationship between these things.

Various types of intelligence tests

The verbal intelligence tests are of various types. They are:

Analogy Tests: One-Word Substitution, Insertion of Missing Letter, Insertion of Missing Number or Figure, Word Forming, Jumbled Words, Formation of Correct Sentence, Letter Distinction. General Knowledge Test, Alphabetical Test, Completion Test, Synonym Test, Direction Test, Spotting the Stranger, Code Test, Coding and Decoding, Commonsense Test, Multiple Choice Test, Arithmetic Test, etc.

Non-Verbal Intelligence Tests:

In non-verbal intelligence tests, the items are expressed by materials, for instance, line drawings, patterns, or plastic pictures, etc.

These tests are, usually, arranged to remove the inconvenience of most of the candidates who are not fully familiar with the language. Besides, the Mujaheds or soldiers in the Pakistan Armed Forces have often to tackle such situations in their practiced military life.

The non-verbal intelligence tests comprise: Matrix Test, Sequence Test, Mechanical Aptitude Test, Word Association Test, Thematic Apperception (Picture-Story writing), The Psychological Situational Test, etc.


ETS Books

Biology 10th,9,Biology 9th,9,Blog,27,Career Development,4,Chemistry 10th,8,Chemistry 9th,8,Classroom Management,2,Computer,17,Computer 9th,8,Current Affairs,7,Education News,13,English,12,Everyday Science,14,General Knowledge,25,General Science,6,Intelligence Tests,2,Interview,2,IQ Tests,5,Islamic Studies,10,Mathematics,8,Mathematics 10th,7,Mathematics 9th,18,PAF Cadet College Lower Topa,11,Pakistan Studies,5,Past Papers,9,Physics 10th,9,Physics 9th,9,Programming,1,Student Counseling,12,Urdu,6,Verbal Aptitude Tests,2,Verbal Reasoning Tests,2,Video,6,
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Basic Types of Intelligence (I.Q) Tests
There are two basic kinds intelligence tests. They are: Verbal Intelligence tests and Non-Verbal Intelligence Tests.
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